The world’s No.1 Astrology portal, AstroSage is is all set to announce the next-big product of our time. It has recently launched into the world of machine learning with its new AI app “Bhrigoo”.

About allows you to quickly access your voice-controlled astrologer by tapping home button or simply saying “Namaste Pandit Ji”. Powered by AI Algorithms, provides you customized time-tested results.
Download AppHow it Works gives you fast and time-tested results. There are a myriad of features available in this over-the-top AI app
Easy to Use
You can use by speaking naturally and get the answers displayed and heard instantly. Without using your fingers or swiping the screen, you can activate the app by saying ‘’Namaste’’ or ‘‘Namaste Pandit Ji’’
Multilayered Category comes in wide range of categories such as you can ask Kundli based questions, Rasi, festival and vastu related questions. Apart from it, you can simultaneously ask any question related to dream interpretation according to your requirements.
Unique AI App
You can use to know auspicious dates or marriage prediction. Ask to help you in finding the perfect match, favorable gemstones, vastu solutions, or search the date for any festival to get right information. More is yet to come on, so make sure to stay tuned for the unique AI application.
Features to Look Out in is an easier way to get things done right. This is a new innovation created by not so ordinary people ready to help you throughout your day. is always learning, the more you use it, the more useful it can be.
Next Big Product
AI AstroSage is a next-big product to showcase a ground-breaking user experience. Stay tuned to try out this next-big-thing.
Artificial Intelligence Enabled App
This AI enabled app can be game-changing across industries, especially astrology industry. Get ready to meet personal voice assistant astrologer.
Easy to Use
Easy to operate, AI AstroSage is everything you need to make your life simple and cost-effective.
Unlimited Features
AI AstroSage helps you leverage myriad of features, from analyzing, predicting, to defining, this app has answer to all your astro related question.
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